I’m afraid for the beast in my mind,
worried about the sharp edges of fear,
the light rays swarming my being,
i thus trek silently.
Deluding myself of what lies ahead.
If only i could grab hold of my own hand
i could guide myself far away,
but this fear is abstract,
and it has me wheezing for air.
There’s this peace in knowing,
that the flowers bloom in tranquil grace,
that they evenly sway between the rainfall,
and glow when there’s amber light.
My garden feels safe,
from my ever fleeting mind,
so i utter my gratitude,
for saving me from the endless doubt,
where each choice was hindered.
Yet, here i stand,
embarking in the sun dance,
leaping towards the unknown,
inspired by the dare of lilies,
‘i dare you to love me.'
I yearn to gaze at myself with ease,
to have a glimpse of the perfect me.
Such things fail.
Thus, i recalibrate my inner tale,
to now only gaze at myself
through the branches of the trees...
as I’m as flawed as the branches are brittle,
and the leaves torn.
She lingers close, yet drifts afar,
there was a good chance,
but the chance still narrr.
It’s a wondrous connection,
Though I’m still left empty.
All I want is your attention,
so, give me the right affection.
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